Engaged: Katelyn and Kevin

May 9, 2013

Milwaukee Engagement Photos

We love getting tons of questions and constantly communicating with our brides. Katelyn was wonderful! She took each tip and trick we gave her and turned it into her own vision which really made her engagement session images rock awesome!

Going a bit untraditional is very much like Katelyn and Kevin, and we absolutely love it!

Katelyn was a natural at posing! All we needed to do was give her a sutble clue of what we wanted from her, and BAM, she nailed it every time:)

With the attire at hand and a beautiful couple that were open to anything….where best to start, than the third ward in Milwaukee. This is one of our favorite shooting locations and we were so happy that Katelyn agreed to take a few down this way. The images turned out great!

Brave couple we have and this wasn’t exactly the most sturdy of locations. ekkkk….so happy they were ready to rock it out on this old abondoned railroad track.

Thank you so much Katelyn and Kevin for spending the afternoon with us. We loved your connection together and love that you guys are going to bring a totally different look to your wedding. We are thrilled and can’t wait till November!!


~ Capture Life Moments



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