Thought I was going to talk photography huh? #sorrynotsorry
I really would love to provide a deeper insight of who I am as a human and what fuels me to do just about anything I do. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to make a positive impact on the world...even if it was just one person at a time. 

I'm colleen

I don't know it one does. No one ows me anything. I earn what I have and who I am.

I didn't have someone that I could relate to growing up as we were the first generation born in the US. So when given the opportunity, I try to speak and help young Asian women know that there is a path for them and it really is possible to step outside the box and succeed. 
What I'm trying to say -- is that I'm not going to compromise who I am in any situation. If that means that I take an extra minute to entertain an unsolicited request...perhaps it's because there's meaning behind it that I don't understand...and that's how I roll.

Growing up a child of refugees, I will never forget the hardships...the sadness, the fear and humiliation. But mostly,  I feel "lucky" because all those things helped shape me into the person I am today. I no longer dwell on the past because I firmly believe that it is because of it that helped me choose to live my life with humility, kindness, and self-awareness. Including the knowledge that not everyone is capable or available to hold these attributes and hence I will do my best to give the benefit of the doubt. 



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in always seeking the next adventure

I believe

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true moments, real love, authentically you

I believe In

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I believe

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the real magic is in the moments

I believe

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