Green Lake Wedding Photographer: Jenna and Jake

June 10, 2015

Green Lake Wedding Photographer: Jenna and Jake

The first time I met Jenna was wonderful. I remember Jake being super quiet…he didn’t have much to say, per the usual from the guys perspective I suppose:) But Jenna was super excited about everything and the moment she mentioned basing her wedding off an art deco theme…I was HOOKED! Possibly by far, one of my favorite themes and I just love the style. And then when she told me that they were having a Green Lake Wedding at The Heidel House Resort, I could have jumped up for joy. Another one of my favorite locations to shoot. I love this place so much that I choose these grounds as my backdrop for when I had my very own anniversary photographic session with my husband:)

Jenna could not have picked a more perfect dress for her big day. I loved that it fit her style and theme so well and even the underlay was a vintage coloring that was just perfect. Shoes…OMG do I love shoes. Gold and Silver sparkles = YES. I mean…come on….those shoes are beautiful.

There were so many great things about Jenna and Jake’s wedding that made me smile the entire time! Looking at her flowers…wow…they were stunning and so simple at the same time. I wanted to take her bouquet home with me!! Haha.

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Nancy….Jenna’s Mom was a true rockstar. She did Jenna’s hair and holy cats…it was super perfect and beautiful! I love love loved it and she even added a hair piece that was just fitting. Jenna did her own makeup….okay…I wish I was this good at doing my own makeup…but sadly, that is a big fat no. And she did her sister’s (MOH) makeup too. These super talented ladies just pulled out all the stops and really made everything special. And how can you forget adding that touch of red lips to an art deco themed wedding. 🙂

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Short and sweet was the ceremony. It was beautiful and cozy. Only a select amount of guests were in attendance for the ceremony and it was just the right balance for Jenna and Jake to share vows in front of.

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More inspiration for the wedding. It was so great that Jenna was able to find so many items that really fit the theme well. And the cake was wonderful!!

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And at the end of the evening, we took a walk out to the docks for a handful more images before calling it a night. Jenna and Jake….I wish you guys all the best in your happiness and marriage together. You both have warm hearts and know what’s truly important to each other. Congratulations again!





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