Wedding: Lakeside Park with Laura and Logan

September 14, 2012

Fox Valley Photographer

It was a beautiful day out for a wedding.  Not too hot, not too cold, it felt just right.  We joined in with the bridal party for some hair and makeup action. The girls even have matching hot pink flowers in their hair to match with the dresses!  We just couldn’t wait to see it all together.

After a short break by the train tracks (yes, we were stuck between 2 trains along with 2 other cars), we finally met up with the girls again and got our first glimpse at the dresses, shoes, and jewelry.  Ekkk.  Don’t you love the colors of the dresses?  and they even have pockets!

Across town, the boys were having their own little get together, paying attention to the very last details.  Cuffs’ links on, checked, vest on, checked, and finally, the tie is on.  And if you are curious, the hot pink vests look even better in person, it is just the right accent for this summer wedding.

Back at the house, all the bridesmaids gathered around to help Laura put on her dress.  Everything is coming together nicely, and they were even ahead of schedule.

Then it was time for the ceremony… well almost.  Laura get to hang out by the covered bridge with all the ladies while the guys are on the other side with all the guests.  One last kiss from dad and a big one for Bella – and she’s ready for the ‘I do.’

After the ceremony, the weather warmed up quite a bit, so we found some cooler spots to take pictures under the covered bridge.

Congratulations, Logan and Laura!  You two make a beautiful couple and Bella is getting cuter by the day.  We wish you the very best and thank you for sharing your special day with us.

~ Capture Life Moments



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