Hello Fresh Trial

May 13, 2016

So, today is Friday the 13th…yup…it sure is!

Although I am not the superstitious type…I felt it was better if I posted about food today than people, lol. For anyone that knows me, they know that I don’t cook and I’m pretty lazy in the kitchen. Often, dishes will pile up till my mother comes over and does them for me, but not before handing me a 15-minute lecture on how to become a better housewife:) haha

I’m also terrible at grocery shopping. My husband is a vegan (I’m not) and Stanley still drinks formula and eats baby snacks. So, there isn’t much in our refrigerator or pantry. When I do go grocery shopping, it takes me forever and I end up buying a mix of so many things that it’s near impossible to come up with a meal from the weird ingredients that I’ve purchased. More often than not, the food just goes to waste and I end up never eating or making any of it. Sad Panda.

What’s the solution??

I found 2 companies that I am giving  a try. Blue Apron (they are my next trial) and Hello Fresh. I’d never meet anyone that I knew that had tried either. So I was hesitant to even try anything from anyone. Then one magical day, a fellow photographer and amazing boss lady, Jenna Kutcher, mentioned it on her facebook page. I thought to myself…oh my goodness…someone I know…someone that lives in Wisconsin…actually tried one of these companies and it’s legit! HAHA!!! So, I hopped online right away to order my first Veggie Box from Hello Fresh.

I tell ya what…I made my first meal immediately after opening the box and it was SO yummy!!Unlike my regular cooking…when I do actually cook, I don’t waste a ton of food or have lots of extra ingredients that go to waste. Here, everything was portioned perfectly and everything was used. It felt amazing to cook and have everything ready to go and nothing to put back in the fridge.

The first meal I tried was the Caramelized Shallot Risotto. Let me just say, I hate onions and dislike most items from the onion family. I never thought I’d actually like shallots, but I gave them a good try here and they were actually quite good! Although my meal didn’t turn out as picture perfect as the one they showed in the instructions panel, it was very tasty.

I can’t wait to try out the other two meals. Once I finish these meals, I will order my first box from Blue Apron and then do a comparison on both of them and ultimately choose who I want to use as my meal supplier going forward:) So cool!!!


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