Fika Tea Bar | Our Beginning

March 12, 2019

Fika Tea Bar

For several years now, myself and Alyssa have been running around circles trying to find a way to really work together. Sure, we collaborated on many things but never as a single unit. Every time we got together, we would hatch out master plans for new business ventures. Sadly though, nothing ever really stuck or felt right. Three years later, I think we found it.

Fika Tea Bar (fee-ka) is a partnership three years in the making. Neither one of us wants to be ordinary. We are always trying our best to break the boundaries and try new things. As quickly as we move, we want our businesses to move at the same pace. We want our community to move at the same pace. And we found a hole. After spending time in California, Alyssa came back and craved truly authentic boba (bubble) tea. Immediately, I recalled the last time I had a true boba tea that put a smile on my face. It was FIVE years ago!!! And just like that, we knew we needed to bring this to the valley.

The work Fika is a Swedish word that doesn’t have a direct translation. The best way to put it is: to have coffee or tea, & something sweet with friends; to take a moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life. This could not be more perfect. We had originally came up with another word that truly embraced the lifestyle that we lived, but after some conflict, we are so thankful that we found Fika. It literally means everything we are about.

What is Fika Tea Bar About?

Fika Tea Bar is going to be serve boba tea, milk teas, flavored teas, hot teas and tea fusions. Perhaps a variety of sweet treats yet to be determined. And of course, a chill vibe for any coffee house dweller.  (but tea 🙂 We also realize that things may change as we move forward with plans. But we can’t wait to bring this to Appleton.

As we begin the process and start the tea bar, we will be posting behind the scenes to our instagram account. Things that we are working on, trial receipts and testing treats. Construction and it’s progress. And of course, anything fun we happen to pop in there. Follow the journey to stay updated as to when we will officially open. @fikateabar

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